Jean Tenenbaum, known as Jean Ferrat, born on 26 December 1930 in Vaucresson (Seine-et-Oise) and died on 13 March 2010 in Aubenas (Ardèche), is a French singer-songwriter.
Author of lyrical songs, he alternated during his career sentimental songs, poetic songs and engaged songs and often had to deal with censorship. Renowned for his talent as a melodist, he set to music and popularised many of Louis Aragon's poems with the latter's approval.
Faithful, throughout his life, to his communist ideals, he nevertheless retained his freedom vis-à-vis the French Communist Party, of which he always said he was not a member, not hesitating to distance himself from it on various subjects.
Despite his lack of media coverage and his retirement from the stage at the age of 42, this ardent defender of French cha...